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Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Leaked?! - My Thoughts And Predictions


By Luca Newton

Over the last year, me and a friend of mine have been using the power of satanism to manifest Xenoblade 3, and alas, we are getting Xenoblade 3.

(This article includes spoilers for the Xenoblade series)

So, given the fact that I have 2 articles on Xenoblade, you'd be right to assume it is my favourite game series of all time. In such a short span of time, I played through all the games in the series last year, and fell head-over-heels with all of them....well except for Xenoblade X, because Nintendo don't seem to want to release it on the Switch. PLEASE DO THAT, OK?

Anyway, back to the main topic.. Xenoblade 3 seems to be happening for real. Ever since this year started, it seems as though evidence has just been piling up for the third numbered entry in the Xenoblade Chronicles series. None of these individual bits of evidence ever really amounted to a conclusive answer to whether a Xenoblade 3 was actually imminent or not. The strongest shred of evidence, was a Xenoblade composer, Yasunori Mitsuda, confirming he was starting work for a large scale project. However, while he is mainly known for composing numbered entries in the Xenoblade series, there was always a chance that he had been hired for something else, or a different IP within Monolith, given the concept art and hiring that was seen in 2017, and we haven't heard anything from since. The timing of Mitsuda working on a project this year, implies whatever he's working on, is basically done. So that could have meant Xenoblade 3, or the new IP that has been in the works since 2017 supposedly, meaning it was largely inconclusive.

Now, ever since then, people have found small insignificant things to help prove Xenoblade 3 is coming, and none of it is particularly compelling, however I did believe that Xenoblade 3 must be in the works, and coming within these next few years. Anyway, recently actually credible things have finally come out to suggest the reality of Xenoblade 3, and so I can finally express my hopes and thoughts on a Xenoblade 3.

Why Xenoblade 3 Seems So Likely Right Now...

A couple months ago, a small YouTube channel, of like 33 subscribers, managed to get an interview with Jenna Coleman, where her tongue slipped and she suggested stuff which would seemingly confirm Xenoblade 3. When asked about it, she said that she knew it was coming, and thought it was common knowledge that it was. This alone, could be inconsequential, although if she knows of it, then it probably is far along, as she is Melia, who is only in the first game, and would have no reason to specifically know about any Xenoblade game upcoming. So that would suggest something is actually coming soon.

However, that alone doesn't necessarily confirm it, because she could technically mean that the existence of a third game is common knowledge just because of its inevitability. But Fanbyte released an article last night saying that they have actually been given information on Xenoblade 3 that is credible, and they managed to get confirmation from Imran Khan himself. So, that seems pretty likely to be true when you factor in all the other small hints, and Jenna Coleman's slip of the tongue, and get this in detail leak from someone who is in the know. To add to that, it is apparently known by a bunch of other people, who got similar intel. Basically, it seems very likely to be true. Of course, they could always be wrong, but either way I do think that Xenoblade 3 is imminent.

Here's the interesting stuff. It was said, along the fact of its existence, that Xenoblade 3 will be a direct sequel to Xenoblade 2. Set hundreds of years after the events of 2, it will include returning characters from both Xenoblade 1 and 2. It has also been said that Xenoblade 3 was originally intended to be released Winter 2021, but due to COVID, and just needing more time to polish, it seems to be aiming at the first half of 2022, with a reveal imminent, so probably within a September Nintendo Direct. It is also said that this game will push then limits of the Switch's hardware, by being so damn ambitious. Specific details on why, include the fact that there will be more models on screen at once in this game than the previous entries have had. Which keeps me curious on what exactly that means.

Hopes and Predictions for Xenoblade 3

Returning Characters

So, it is literally confirmed that we will be getting some old characters back from the first 2 games, in this third one. But I think there is so much potential here. So I will go over who I think will return and who I want to return but don't know how likely it is. Also briefly going over characters I DO NOT want to return..

1. Melia (Will and Want to Return)

This one is essentially a given if you take that Jenna Coleman interview as proof. But it also makes a lot of sense. Her character, Melia, is a High Entia, and they live for a significant amount of time more than Homs, so it would make sense that an older Melia would still be alive hundreds of years later. I think there's a lot of potential there to make this really depressed character who always loses people she gets close to, but also being very wise and a maternal figure as well as a strong leader. I would think her return is basically confirmed and is one of the few XC1 characters to return that makes sense.

2. Pyra/Mythra (Will Return)

Pyra and Mythra have, at this point, transcended their own game in terms of popularity, mainly due to their very sexualised designs that really.. resonate with some twitter users. However, regardless of how weird their following is, they're still very popular and well-liked, and are pretty well written in their game, as well as being recently picked for Smash. They definitely do represent a part of the whole series undeniably, and they do live forever, as is with the curse of being a blade. They also don't need a driver because of the fact they are Aegises. To assume they'll show for this game would be a pretty easy guess. Although, their sacrifice ultimately being pointless, given we see them alive after the credits, makes me not really want to see them, because in my head they should be dead. But, they definitely will be in there so it doesn't really matter what I think.

3. Riki, Kino and Nene (Want to Return)

Riki is a character that has captured my heart and many others'. So, for such a loveable character, could he return? Well, he was 40 years old in the original, but Nopon do boast a longer lifespan than Homs, living up to potentially 240 years, which if the timing is right, we could see a very old and weary Riki return for this game. However, there is also a chance he will be dead by that point. So, maybe we could see grown up versions of his children, specifically Kino and Nene, which were playable in Future Connected. It would be interesting to see more of them, since they were decent characters in that expansion. Would be interesting if they looked up to Melia like an auntie or something here.

4. Nia (Will Return)

Another blade who can last on her own, given her origins. Nia was a popular character in Xenoblade 2, so much so that I would be surprised if she didn't return, because there's no reason she couldn't, since she can live for so long. There's not really much else to say, but I hope Melia and Nia have a conversation, though that isn't really that likely.

5. Alvis (Will and Want to Return)

Alvis is genuinely one of my favourite characters in Xenoblade as a whole, because of how mysterious he is when you meet him, and how you never know what side he is on. He is morally grey as fuck and I love it. But what is also really cool, is how he was basically confirmed to be Ontos, the third Aegis. That alone adds just so much to the lore of Xenoblade, and if Ontos' very mention counts, Alvis is technically present in both games. Since he is an Aegis, he can live forever on his own, so he will undoubtedly return in my opinion, and I really hope he does.

6. Tora (DON'T Want to Return)

And to finish this section, please oh please, do NOT bring back Tora. He is the worst Nopon and is the reason Xenoblade 2 will never be as good as the first one to me. Hate him so much, I swear if he returns I'll.. get over it but still please don't do that to me.

Of course there are more characters that I'd like to see return, such as Tyrea, who could have this new dynamic with Melia since the end of Future Connected, and it would be really cool, but she's a pretty minor character all things considered, so I'm not sure either way if it will happen..

New Characters

This section will be significantly shorter than the last one, but for me to be fully on board with Xenoblade 3, I really want a fresh new cast of playable characters, because each Xenoblade cast has its own charm, and I'd hope 3 doesn't fall into being too much of a homage than being its own thing. I have a few cool ideas for some party members we could see.

1. Shulk and Fiora descendants

Firstly, I thought this was a really cool idea. I mean, this world is supposedly returning characters from the first 2 games, so wouldn't that hypothetically mean any offspring of both casts, could show up? Well, the main Xenoblade couple is obviously Shulk and Fiora. That romance was so strong through the first game, it sorta defined the story and was a huge driving force for it. So, to assume they must've had kids, isn't at all a stretch to me. So, if this is set hundreds of years in the future, then it would probably be very distant relatives showing up here. Could you imagine if we actually play as a descendant of Shulk and Fiora, and we don't know we are related to them, but we find it out, and it could make for a compelling character arc, although a tad cliche. If done right, it could work though. I'd also find it really cool if maybe the reason Melia is prominently featured in the game, is because she is looking after everyone related to her long-departed friends.

2. Machina party member

Given the premise of both 1 and 2 characters returning, it would imply that at the end of both games, they were actually in the same world now, and not separate anymore. If that's the case, then both lands would combine, and thus all races would exist as one. One race from the original was Machina, which were seen as good people, but was also the antagonist before the twist. It seems like such a big missed opportunity that they never had a Machina as a party member. I mean, I guess Fiora was?? But she isn't purely a Machina. In this game, it would be really cool to have a Machina in the party since they hypothetically should exist in a combined universe, if that's what they're going for.

Potential Story

Alright, so this is where we get into mostly guessing because there is no way we can possibly know what the story will be. Although, I do have a theory that is pretty popular among other fans. Basically all we actually know is that it will be set in the far future, with returning characters from both games. I believe that at the end of both 1 and 2, they ended up in the same universe. It is especially likely given that the games literally take place at the same time, and so maybe when both halves of Klaus are killed, then the universe is restored and fixed back to one. And so that's why both games' characters would be here. I think it would be a really cool way of establishing this third entry in the numbered series.

What I really want is for the story of Xenoblade 3 to be the end of a trilogy. I think that if both games by the end of this third one feel more like actual sequels, it would make this series so cool and more cohesive. I think that they should really try and end this cast of characters' stories, and maybe after that they can go and try new things with new universes in the Xenoblade universe, such as X. It's just so cool to me the idea of both games being so different, yet ending up being part of one overall story.

I really hope that the tone of Xenoblade 3 is a lot darker than the last 2. I think it would be so cool if this game was just really depressing and dark and sombre, and truly this epic finale to what they've been building up. I think that mainly comes in the form of these returning characters, such as an old Melia, who maybe dies in this game, and it's this huge sad moment, but a moment that relieves Melia, as maybe she doesn't want to see more people she loves die. In that same sense, we could see the climax of this game be even crazier and epic and huge than even the first game. It has the potential to blow our minds. Having that dark sombre tone would really solidify this game as potentially the best game in the series, and an epic and emotional ending to a trilogy. Maybe cut back on some of the anime cliches. I don't mind it being very anime in execution, just we don't need Mythra slapping Rex for her own mistake because she's flustered, or anything like that to undermine this tone I'm thinking of.

Now, as for specifics, I do think that the epilogue, Future Connected, may genuinely show back up and be relevant for this game. In Future Connected there was fogbeasts everywhere, and they were coming from a rift which was being guarded by the fogking. However, there is still the fact that we don't know why these fogbeasts are there, how they even got there, and what the rifts even means. Well, I think if they were to be incorporated into Xenoblade 3, we could potentially have a broken universe, maybe after hundreds of years, it's even worse and more prevalent..

There is so much they can do, and I can't wait to see it.

The Return of Blades.. with a twist

Of course, with every Xenoblade game, including DLC even, they will change the combat. It has improved everytime. This game will be no different. However, I wasn't sure of blades were returning or not, because of a different universe, but if we are sticking to the same universe, they probably still exist. I do think that they be changed functionally though. Maybe something closer to Torna, but even then different. I don't know what to say about it, because I can't think of a better system, but Monolith will, and I'm interested to see what they have in store for us. As long as they actually explain it to us well.

Locations and Settings

One of the best parts of both games, is their locations and settings. Man, Bionis and Mechonis are so rich and diverse, and the way perspective was used to see exactly where you were on these huge titans, it was brilliant. With 2, each and every titan was so unique and cool. With a third game, if these universes are colliding, then I'd hope that there would be plenty of new areas and it isn't just rehashes. I have a few ideas though..

1. Merging of Both Worlds

Well, since both 2 and 1 ended up in the same universe, maybe parts of each of these worlds combined into new areas. Have a Uraya-Eryth Sea area. It could be so cool, bringing back fan favourite areas while having it make sense and be fresh and new.

2. Dystopian Aesthetic

Given that this game will take far in the future, and have returning characters, with my own hope for a depressing tone, a dystopian look to the areas would certainly add to this game a lot. It would be badass, and always remind you what game you're playing.

3. Entirely New Areas

I think it's a given, but I hope it's not all reused areas, and maybe new ones entirely. Maybe with new races entirely because of evolution and climates. The idea of titans can't be fully gone yet, so I'd like to see new titans, as well as standard terrain. That combination establishes it in a different world as Alrest, and fits within what we saw at the end of XC1 too.

4. More Open Areas

Maybe taking specific inspiration from X, the areas could be more open than in the first 2. I really loved exploring, especially in the first one, but there was a limit to those areas. If they were bigger and had even more to do, it could make for an even more enjoyable experience. Given that they're apparently pushing the Switch to its limits, it could also imply that they're looking at bigger worlds, hence also the larger model count.

5. Quality of Life

The locations of XC2 were beautiful and I loved them, but I never explored them to the same extent as XC1, and that's largely in part due to the poor quality of life in terms of the overworld gameplay. I hate the tracking in XC2 and it completely deterred me from doing side missions or even exploring. Also the Blade Skills would completely lock me off from exploring outside of the main story, because I always forgot I needed them. If they would just remove blade skills, and use the tracking from DE, it would be perfection.

I've basically covered every aspect of a Xenoblade game, except music, which is certainly gonna be great no matter what, all Xenoblade games have great soundtracks. What would like to see in a potential Xenoblade 3? Do you believe the rumours? We'll see soon enough..

Thanks for reading.


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